Friday, January 8, 2010

Being grateful

People often are so worried about what is going wrong or what they don't have that they often forget to be grateful for what they have. Is there someone in your life who you love and hopefully loves you to? Maybe you are grateful for something as little as a good meal or snack (ice cream). Maybe the love of an animal or a beautiful view you may have seen recently. If it's that hard to come up with something maybe just be grateful that something hasn't happened like hopefully your not homeless or terminally ill or at least you get to enjoy this moment.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

See the world like a child

"The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common" Ralph Waldo Emerson

Remember when you were a child and everything was new and exciting? The first time you blew a bubble or the first time you tried a new candy. The way life was full of adventure and joy.
How often do we see the world with the eyes of our youth? Isn't it amazing when you come across someone in life who sees the world this way? Isn't it sad how people allow life to beat them down and cause a jaded pessimistic attitude?

We should all remember how even the things in our world that we take for granted are really truly miraculous. Each day spend at least ten minutes looking at the world through the eyes of a child.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Life often throws things at us that seem miserable or unfair. Though often they are miserable and unfair. We may even have no control over them. We do have control over our perspective or attitude. Their may seem to be no reason for what happens in our life but each of us can choose to have a positive outlook no matter how bad it may be. You are in control of how you deal with life. It is important to always try and be positive regardless of everything else . Attitude is the key.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Notice your environment. Each and every day spend at least ten minutes truly being aware of your environment. The sounds, colors, and even smells. If at all possible also spend some point of each day in nature wether at a park, in the wilderness, at the ocean, or even around houseplants. Nature is a balm for the spirit. If not once a day maybe once a week or at the least once a month.

Monday, January 4, 2010


You never know what life may bring. Do something special for someone you care about today. Call up a family member and tell them that you love them. Let someone who is special in your life know how special they are. Everybody is connected to everybody else. Buy a coffee for a stranger or buy donuts for someplace you frequent. Do something to show appreciation and gratitude every day. Even something as simple as reading a story to a child can change your world.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

It's a new year, Truly live it.

It's amazing how many little things there are that we miss on a daily basis. How amazing a ripe piece of fruit tastes. How wonderful a smile makes us feel. How even though an itch may seem annoying scratching it feels wonderful. It is so very important to not just be alive but to truly live every moment. Our lives are like a fresh wind across the ocean, amazingly complex, yet gone before you realize it was even there.